Reopening the U.S. Safely: Putting Our Health Above Profits

As Trump bails out his capitalist friends, workers are forced to sacrifice their health to keep the economy running. Americans are struggling to decide “do I work and risk infection or stay home and lose income?” We need a plan for combating the pandemic and safely re-opening the economy that doesn’t risk workers’ lives. Workers can organize for a safe re-opening and a new, socialist system that prioritizes people over profits.

Coronavirus Strikes; So Do We!

Despite record levels of unemployment, workers from diverse sectors of the economy have turned to collective action, fighting not only for a living wage and safe working conditions, but for their right to live! Amazon warehouse workers, Whole Foods workers, nurses, meat packers, bus drivers, nurses, and more are all sending a message to the capitalists – we won’t die for your profits!

COVID-19 Triggers Long Anticipated Economic Crash

As the capitalist economy hurls deeper into recession, the federal government and central banks are producing trillions of dollars that they conveniently couldn’t find for increasing the federal minimum wage or other needed social benefits. The trillions of dollars being released during the COVID-19 crisis are mostly being dumped into the pockets of the rich and corporations in a failed effort to prop up the stock market.

Sanders Suspends Campaign and Endorses Biden

Bernie Sanders suspended his campaign to be the Democratic Party candidate for President and less than a week later, he formally endorsed Joe Biden as the party nominee in the presidential election this November. This move comes as a huge economic and social crisis unfolds in the U.S. where the failures of capitalism are fully on display in the system’s lack of preparation and chaotic response to the COVID-19 virus.

Urgent Need for a US National Health Service!

Private healthcare delivers profits, not care – and it’s killing us. We need universal free healthcare now!
– Free Universal Healthcare for all, funded by taxing big business and slashing the bloated military budget!
– No furloughs, no layoffs, and no benefits cuts for hospital staff during the crisis! For proper PPE, workplace sanitation, sick leave, and hazard pay!

“We have the power” – Staten Island Amazon workers walkout

This article was originally written for, the website of the Committee for a Workers’ International. “And to Mr Bezos [plutocratic billionaire owner of Amazon] my message is simple. I don’t give a damn about your power. You think you’re powerful? We’re the ones that have the power. Without us working, what are you goingContinue reading ““We have the power” – Staten Island Amazon workers walkout”

The danger of the far right today

This article was originally written for, the website of the Committee for a Workers’ International. With right-wing politicians, like Hungarian premier, Viktor Orbán, not slow to blame ‘foreigners’ for the coronavirus crisis, the looming world downturn could provide new opportunities for the far right to develop. The continuing murderous activity in Europe and furtherContinue reading “The danger of the far right today”

Coronavirus plunges capitalism into global turmoil -The need for a socialist alternative

This statement from the International Secretariat of the Committee for a Workers’ International was originally published on, the website of the CWI. The outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic has plunged world capitalism and society into an entirely new era of turmoil and upheaval. In country after country, as the pandemic has taken hold, itContinue reading “Coronavirus plunges capitalism into global turmoil -The need for a socialist alternative”