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2020 has set the pace for this decade: plummeting living standards, worsening climate change, violent political repression – and a revival of mass protests and working class struggle against police violence, racism, and capitalism. As the super-rich rake in billions from for-profit healthcare, while hundreds of thousands of die from a mishandled pandemic, while workers lose their jobs and stand on the precipice of eviction as Congress releases minimal aid; it’s as clear as ever that both the Democratic and Republican parties stand only for their corporate backers. The working class must organize independently of corporate money and politics!

Capitalism and COVID are global problems – so the fight for socialism must be global as well! The Independent Socialist Group stands in political solidarity with the Committee for a Workers’ International, a fighting organization of revolutionary socialists across six continents.

Join the Independent Socialist Group and the Committee for a Worker’s International today and become part of the fight for a socialist world!

Nationwide[email protected]

Independent Socialist Group
Boston, MA[email protected]

Boston Independent Socialist Group
Worcester, MA[email protected]

Worcester Independent Socialist Group
Western MA[email protected]

Western MA Independent Socialist Group
New Hampshire[email protected]

New Hampshire Independent Socialist Group
Maine[email protected]

Maine Independent Socialist Group
Rhode Island[email protected]

Rhode Island Independent Socialist Group

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