Healthcare in Crisis: Interview with a Hospital Worker

S is an ASCP-certified Medical Laboratory Technician from Ohio and a member of the Independent Socialist Group Can you describe what you do and what working conditions were like prior to the pandemic?  I work in a large regional hospital with a Level 1 trauma center, so we have always been very busy. We handleContinue reading “Healthcare in Crisis: Interview with a Hospital Worker”

Can’t Rent, Can’t Buy: Nationwide Housing Crisis

by Peggy Wang (APA, MTA/NEA – personal capacity) This article was originally published in Socialism Today, the paper of the Independent Socialist Group. Subscribe to the paper to receive each issue in print and read the articles before they’re published online! For years construction of unaffordable luxury units has displaced workers already struggling to getContinue reading “Can’t Rent, Can’t Buy: Nationwide Housing Crisis”

ISG In Action: Solidarity with the Nurses

by Jay Verchin ISG members in Worcester, MA, have supported the Massachusetts Nurses Association (MNA) throughout the 10-month long strike against Tenet Healthcare, the corporation that owns St. Vincent Hospital. It was the longest nurses’ strike in state history. On March 8th, 2021, 800 nurses with the MNA walked out of the hospital. The nursesContinue reading “ISG In Action: Solidarity with the Nurses”

Who Will Pay for the COVID Crisis?

by T.R. Whitworth This article was originally published in Socialism Today, the paper of the Independent Socialist Group. Subscribe to the paper to receive each issue in print and read the articles before they’re published online! The COVID-19 pandemic has laid bare the contradictions of capitalism. Widespread death (over five million worldwide), unemployment, homelessness, andContinue reading “Who Will Pay for the COVID Crisis?”

Over 200 Days on Strike – Working Class and Union Solidarity Needed to Win St. Vincent Nurses’ Strike

The St. Vincent nurses’ strike can still be won. The nurses’ demands can still be met, and all striking nurses can return to their old positions. All that is required is a shift in strategy, away from relying on Democratic Party politicians and staying within the bounds of labor law that was written to weaken unions. Real solidarity, mass support from organized labor and the broader working class of Massachusetts, and unified strike action are what it will take to defeat a huge corporation like Tenet.

Tenet Corporation: Rehire All the MNA Nurses On Strike!

Worcester Independent Socialist Group continues to stand with the union nurses on strike at St. Vincent Hospital. The strike of the Massachusetts Nurses Association (MNA) nurses at St. Vincent is now the longest in Massachusetts history. We joined the MNA nurses on strike, other unions, activists, and community members on the picket line for theContinue reading “Tenet Corporation: Rehire All the MNA Nurses On Strike!”

Worcester Recovery Money for Working People, Not Corporations!

The first of three Worcester, MA community meetings to decide the allocation of only $10m of $146m in COVID relief funds was held this past Monday, August 23rd. Worcester workers stood up and called for community control over 100% of COVID funds, to near unanimous applause! Ignoring community members, the city railroaded community feedback intoContinue reading “Worcester Recovery Money for Working People, Not Corporations!”


Below is the text of a leaflet that Worcester Independent Socialist group distributed at a July 31st solidarity rally for striking nurses at St. Vincent Hospital. The Independent Socialist Group (ISG) continues to support union nurses on strike at St. Vincent Hospital in Worcester. The nurses on strike are members of the Massachusetts Nurses AssociationContinue reading “SOLIDARITY WITH ST. VINCENT NURSES – SPREAD THE STRIKE!”

Surfside, Fl. Condo Collapse: Socialism Needed for Safe, Quality Housing

by Ashley Rogers The sudden collapse of the Champlain Towers South condominium tower in Florida at 1:30am on June 24th, 2021 left 98 dead. The month-long search for victims only recently came to a close, with the final victim only identified on the morning of July 26th. While investigations are still underway, evidence points toContinue reading “Surfside, Fl. Condo Collapse: Socialism Needed for Safe, Quality Housing”

Escalate the St. Vincent Hospital Strike – Take the Fight to Tenet!

The unionized nurses at St. Vincent Hospital are continuing to fight against Tenet Healthcare Corporation in their third month on strike for safe staffing levels and a fair contract. Nurses and patients both suffer from for-profit healthcare’s cost-cutting tactics such as understaffing, low pay, poor benefits, and rushed, expensive care. They bore the brunt ofContinue reading “Escalate the St. Vincent Hospital Strike – Take the Fight to Tenet!”