Austrian elections: Greens gain, while far-right and social democrats lose

This article was originally written for, the website of the Committee for a Workers’ International. The September 29th Austrian elections saw a surge by the Greens and losses by both the far right Freedom Party (FPÖ) and the social democrats (SPÖ). The former Chancellor, Sebastian Kurz, whose conservative people’s party (ÖVP) came first withContinue reading “Austrian elections: Greens gain, while far-right and social democrats lose”

70th anniversary of People’s Republic of China – Mao and the Chinese revolution

This article was originally written for, the website of the Committee for a Workers’ International. Today, 1 October, marks the 70th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader, Mao Zedong, proclaiming the People’s Republic of China. Below, we republish a book review by Peter Taaffe (first published in The Socialist newspaper, 14 JulyContinue reading “70th anniversary of People’s Republic of China – Mao and the Chinese revolution”

Street protests return to Egypt

This article was originally written for, the website of the Committee for a Workers’ International. Street protests in Cairo and several other Egyptian cities broke out on Friday and Saturday 20/21 September. Although only involving dozens or a few hundreds, at first, they grew in numbers and spread to other cities. Protesters chanted, “TheContinue reading “Street protests return to Egypt”

Catalonia: Two years on from the independence referendum

This article was originally written for, the website of the Committee for a Workers’ International. The 1st of October marks the second anniversary of the independence referendum called by the Catalan government. This followed an upsurge in the demand for independence fuelled by the repressive, neo-liberal Partido Popular (PP) government of Mariano Rajoy. TheContinue reading “Catalonia: Two years on from the independence referendum”

Workers at US General Motors take strike action

This post was originally written for, the website of the Committee for a Workers’ International. Around 48,000 General Motors workers are on strike nationwide in the United States for the sixth day. The United Auto Workers union walked out of all 55 US plants on 15 September, for the first time since Obama bailedContinue reading “Workers at US General Motors take strike action”

South Africa: Only workers’ unity can overcome xenophobia

This article was originally written for, the website of the Committee for a Workers’ International. Over the past month, capitalism has once again bared its barbaric underbelly in South Africa in a wave of xenophobic violence. Thirteen have died, so far. Struggling small businesses, foreign national and South African alike, have been destroyed. ManyContinue reading “South Africa: Only workers’ unity can overcome xenophobia”

Socialist change not climate change!

This article was originally written for, the website of the Committee for a Workers’ International. Even an entire society, a nation or all simultaneously existing societies taken together are not owners of the earth, they are simply its possessors, its beneficiaries, and have to bequeath it in an improved state to succeeding generations, asContinue reading “Socialist change not climate change!”

Climate change: What’s socialism got to do with it?

This article was originally written for, the website of the Committee for a Workers’ International. Recent images of the Amazon rainforest ablaze highlighted the scale of change currently underway. At the height of the fires, an area the size of a football pitch was destroyed every minute. Greenland’s ice sheet alone has lost threeContinue reading “Climate change: What’s socialism got to do with it?”

South Korea and Japan trade dispute threatens ‘alliance’

This article was originally written for, the website of the Committee for a Workers’ International. On 22nd August South Korea gave Japan notice that it would not be extending the General Security of Military Information Agreement (GSOMIA). The 2016 agreement allowed for the direct sharing of military intelligence between Japan, the Republic of KoreaContinue reading “South Korea and Japan trade dispute threatens ‘alliance’”

Violence against women in South Africa: How should organised workers respond?

This article was originally written for, the website of the Committee for a Workers’ International, by the Marxist Workers Party, the South African branch of the CWI. The rape and murder of Cape Town student Uyinene Mrwetyana was the final spark that lit a new wave of protests demanding an end to violence against women.Continue reading “Violence against women in South Africa: How should organised workers respond?”