Chile: Millions take to the streets in general strike

This article was originally written for, the website of the Committee for a Workers’ International. Tuesday, 12 November, saw an estimated three million workers, youth and students, take to the streets throughout Chile, in yet another mass protest and strike. After nearly one month of protests and brutal repression, this magnificent movement has refusedContinue reading “Chile: Millions take to the streets in general strike”

Bolivia: President Morales removed from power by US-backed coup

This article was originally written for, the website of the Committee for a Workers’ International. A right-wing, US-backed attempt to overthrow the Movement for Socialism (MAS) government in Bolivia, and to replace it with a vicious anti-working class regime, is underway. Evo Morales, South America’s first indigenous national president, resigned on 11 November andContinue reading “Bolivia: President Morales removed from power by US-backed coup”

Workers’ struggles set the stage for Egypt’s 2011 uprising

This article was originally written for, the website of the Committee for a Workers’ International. One of the largest strike waves in Middle East history swept across Egypt in the years before the mighty demonstrations that erupted in Tahrir Square in January 2011, part of the ‘Arab spring’. As a new mood of protestContinue reading “Workers’ struggles set the stage for Egypt’s 2011 uprising”

Germany: 30 years since Berlin Wall brought down

This article was originally written for, the website of the Committee for a Workers’ International. For millions of people, the 1989 opening of the Berlin Wall was rightly celebrated as a great victory for democratic rights. But the build up to the official celebrations to mark its 30th anniversary have, as before, been dominatedContinue reading “Germany: 30 years since Berlin Wall brought down”

Britain: ‘Socialism 2019’ – daring to fight

This article was originally written for, the website of the Committee for a Workers’ International. ‘Socialism 2019’, a weekend of discussion and debate, held in central London on 2 and 3 November, came as the parliamentary logjam finally burst apart into a general election. As Paula Mitchell told the opening rally, the Rally thatContinue reading “Britain: ‘Socialism 2019’ – daring to fight”

A world of explosive social upheavals and inter-imperialist turmoil

This article was originally written for, the website of the Committee for a Workers’ International. The following statement was agreed at a meeting of European CWI sections and supporters, along with visitors from the USA and Nigeria, which was held earlier this week, in London. The world situation is marked by explosive socialContinue reading “A world of explosive social upheavals and inter-imperialist turmoil”

In defence of the Russian Revolution

This article was originally written for, the website of the Committee for a Workers’ International. Today marks the 102nd anniversary of the Russian Revolution, a world-historic event. The October revolution led to a huge transformation of the former repressive Czarist Empire – politically, economically, culturally, and also concerning questions of gender and sexual equality,Continue reading “In defence of the Russian Revolution”

Campaign to free Chilean soldier who refused to take part in repression

This article was originally written for, the website of the Committee for a Workers’ International. Freedom for Chilean soldier David Veloso. On October 18, the Chilean people began a generalized social uprising, triggered by a rise in passenger transportation in Santiago de Chile and violent repression of secondary students demonstrating against the increase byContinue reading “Campaign to free Chilean soldier who refused to take part in repression”

Chile, Lebanon, Haiti, Iraq, Algeria, Ecuador…Mass protests rock the globe

This article was originally written for, the website of the Committee for a Workers’ International. Angry mass revolts have been erupting in many countries across the globe. On Friday 25 October, up to two million people demonstrated on the streets of Chile’s capital Santiago (see page 15). That was the eve of a weekendContinue reading “Chile, Lebanon, Haiti, Iraq, Algeria, Ecuador…Mass protests rock the globe”

Lebanon’s October revolt

This article was originally written for, the website of the Committee for a Workers’ International. Recent weeks have seen major cities and entire countries around the world shaken by mass revolts. The ruling classes are challenged by populations angry and embittered by combination of threats of oppression, years of austerity, corruption and a wideningContinue reading “Lebanon’s October revolt”