Launch Meetings: Build Solidarity Committees to Support UPS Workers!


Workers, union activists, and community members are invited to join us to launch solidarity committees which can help organize active support for UPS workers in their fight for a strong contract! Meetings are being organized in Portland, Boston, Worcester, and Providence:

350,000 UPS workers are in a crucial union contract battle at the largest private-sector union workplace in the US. UPS Teamsters process and transport goods that make up 6% of the US economy. Their labor made the corporation an astronomical $11.5 billion profit last year. Despite this, UPS management wants workers to accept low and falling wages, unhealthy working conditions, forced overtime, layoffs, subcontracting, and cuts in hours.

-$25/hour for part-time workers
-An end to the two-tier pay system; equal pay for equal work!
-Safe working conditions – AC in all trucks
-More full-time positions
-No forced overtime
-No union-busting subcontracting
-End worker surveillance and harassment

On August 1st, UPS Teamsters could be on strike to win these demands. They need mass coordinated support from other unions, community organizations, activists, and pro-union working people.

The fight at UPS has serious consequences for all workers. A defeat will mean corporations intensify attacks on living standards and workers rights. Winning a strong contract for UPS workers will help all unions and working people fight for better pay, benefits, and working conditions. A victory for UPS workers could boost union organizing, first contracts, and contract renewals at workplaces like Amazon, Starbucks, and the “Big Three” automakers.

Join union activists including Teamsters, railroaders, educators, and healthcare workers in building solidarity committees for active support of UPS Teamsters. Together, we can:
-Help canvas, leaflet, and table in communities around the issues and importance of the UPS Teamster contract struggle.
-Organize shows of public support like stand-outs, rallies, car caravans, and public meetings.
-Propose solidarity statements in our unions and organizations. Build a network of supporters through solidarity pledges and petitions.
-Fundraise for the Teamster strike fund.

If there’s a strike, solidarity committees could:
-Mobilize for picket line visits and solidarity actions at UPS hubs, storefronts, offices, and freight rail and airport hubs handling UPS traffic.
-Help organize workplace and community UPS boycotts.
-Campaign against scabbing. Encourage coworkers and neighbors to refuse scab jobs and refuse to cross picket lines. Monitor and report scab activity to the Teamsters.

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