La clase trabajadora de la educación se enfrenta a un inseguro e incierto semestre de otoño, mientras continúa el impulso de la reapertura de las escuelas.

Por Sarah Beth Gable, SEIU Local 509 (A título personal)  “En condiciones seguras, si conseguimos controlar el virus, volvería con confianza. Pero esto es una locura. No quiero que la medida de mi dedicación y compromiso sea la disposición que tenga a arriesgar mi vida y la de mis estudiantes”. Sharahn Santana, profesora de laContinue reading “La clase trabajadora de la educación se enfrenta a un inseguro e incierto semestre de otoño, mientras continúa el impulso de la reapertura de las escuelas.”

Education’s Working Class Faces Unsafe, Uncertain Fall Semester as the Push to Re-Open Schools Continues

By Sarah Beth Gable, SEIU Local 509 (Personal Capacity)  “Under safe conditions, if we get the virus under control, I’d go back with confidence. But this is crazy. I don’t want the measure of my dedication and commitment to be how willing I am to risk my and my students’ lives.” Sharahn Santana, a teacherContinue reading “Education’s Working Class Faces Unsafe, Uncertain Fall Semester as the Push to Re-Open Schools Continues”

After a Successful Strike, Stop and Shop Workers Fight COVID-19

As workers around the country fight to stay safe amidst COVID-19, Nick Wurst of ISG spoke with Rich Libby, shop steward at Stop and Shop for UFCW Local 1445. Stop and Shop workers around New England are fighting for safer working conditions and increased hazard pay. Rich was active as one of the leading strikers on the picket lines in Worcester, MA during the 2019 contract strike.

Coronavirus Strikes; So Do We!

Despite record levels of unemployment, workers from diverse sectors of the economy have turned to collective action, fighting not only for a living wage and safe working conditions, but for their right to live! Amazon warehouse workers, Whole Foods workers, nurses, meat packers, bus drivers, nurses, and more are all sending a message to the capitalists – we won’t die for your profits!

“We have the power” – Staten Island Amazon workers walkout

This article was originally written for, the website of the Committee for a Workers’ International. “And to Mr Bezos [plutocratic billionaire owner of Amazon] my message is simple. I don’t give a damn about your power. You think you’re powerful? We’re the ones that have the power. Without us working, what are you goingContinue reading ““We have the power” – Staten Island Amazon workers walkout”

Workers at US General Motors take strike action

This post was originally written for, the website of the Committee for a Workers’ International. Around 48,000 General Motors workers are on strike nationwide in the United States for the sixth day. The United Auto Workers union walked out of all 55 US plants on 15 September, for the first time since Obama bailedContinue reading “Workers at US General Motors take strike action”