How can Trump be ousted from the White House

This article was originally written for, the website of the Committee for a Workers’ International. Written on 09/03/2020 for The Socialist – Weekly paper of the Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales). Sanders faces uphill struggle to win Democratic Party nomination. Working class must have an independent political voice. The turmoil in the USContinue reading “How can Trump be ousted from the White House”

Amazon bosses defeated in Seattle; Kshama Sawant re-elected

This article was originally written for, the website of the Committee for a Workers’ International, by Robert Bechert. The attempt by bosses of Amazon and other companies to effectively buy control of Seattle city council was defeated by a city-wide reaction against their takeover attempt. Despite the big business dominated Seattle Chamber of CommerceContinue reading “Amazon bosses defeated in Seattle; Kshama Sawant re-elected”